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Class Evaluation 2

Class Evaluation

  1. Something that I liked about this class was how we learned about the importance about doing the right thing. I also enjoyed how this class helped improve my typing skills as I am now a much better typer than I was before. I also liked the little projects we did on the side such as the google sites and the choose the right project. I think there should be more of those projects. I also enjoyed learning about new careers to pursue. I was also intrigued by the coding activities, although we did not spend much time on those.
  2. Somethings I don't like it's that there were times we didn't use the computers as much. I enjoyed learning about choosing the right,but I would have rather limited the aspect of learning about choosing the right and increasing our computer time instead. I also don't completely agree with the grading system, as forgetting your journal can bring you down an entire grade. I think it should be adjusted so we still lose a fair amount of points but not too much to drastically change our grade
  3. My recommendations for improving this class are to have more computer time. The more we use the computer the better we got and the easier it is to control it. Lower the lecture time about choosing the right a bit. Changing the grading system to make it more fair. As well as focusing more on the side projects.
  4. For the most part I am writing and reading in my journal. For the most part I write most days. But there have been times where I forgot to write on the journal and I didn't bother to go back and write it. I know it's not the right thing to do but sometimes I forget and others I don't know what to write. 
  5. Yes, I am committed to choosing the right. I always help them when I can. I try my best in all assignments. I am respectful towards my peers and teachers. And I always make the right decision all the time. I do this to have a free conscience and to make others around me feel better. 
  6. I learned that everyone should choose the right. I will share with others the benefits of doing the right thing. How it not only makes them feel better but those around them. How it's better to stand alone while choosing the right than stand with everyone else when they're choosing the right. Because choosing the right is much better than choosing the wrong, 
  7. I will always remember the lessons that were taught to me. How I should always choose the right. I will always remember all the stories about doing the right thing and how it can help everyone. 


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