Film Editor
Duties and Responsibilities:
It is the duty of a film editor to assemble recorded raw material into a finished product that is suitable for broadcasting. The material may include camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special effects.Salary:
In Los Angeles film editors make an average of $56,709 yearly.
Film editors typically earn a bachelor's degree of arts with a major in film and television, film studies, or communication.
Demand for this particular career:
Musty have a keen eye for detail, creativity and a passionate interest in film and video editing. Must be patient and concentrated/ Ability to listen to others and work as a team. As well as organizational and time managing skills.
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Yes, I would like to become a film editor. It seems fun editing things out and adding special effects to make it seem more interesting. They make an average salary which is honestly fine. They get to work with famous professionals and get to observe entertainment things before others.
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